VALORISH, the project that will revolutionize the fishing industry, has officially started

VALORISH, an European project that aims at revolutionizing the fishing industry by making it circular and sustainable, and integrating new technologies that will allow a smoother transition, has officially begun its activities. Blue Synergy is a proud partner in this project and will be carrying out several key tasks and leading one of its Work Packages.

This week, Blue Synergy participated in the Kick-off meeting of VALORISH, a four-year, European Commission funded project that seeks to develop a computationally assisted methodology for the design and implementation of a biorefinery using a cascade approach to valorize waste and by-products from the fishing industry.

Blue Synergy SL is proud to be part of this exciting and promising project, in which the company will both lead one of the Work Packages and contribute to tasks related to Social Impact, Social Acceptance and Perception, Environmental Impact Assessment, Clustering and Networking, and Stakeholder Engagement and Awareness.

Blue Synergy’s managing director, Germán Cavero Lopez, expressed the expectations and commitment of the company towards this project


Blue Synergy’s contribution to VALORISH will start by developing a clustering and networking plan that will allow to create synergies with other similar European projects in the same topic, and other projects closely related to the valorization of bio-waste, and the promotion of circular economy and zero-waste strategies”.


We expect VALORISH to have a great impact in the reshaping of the fishing industry, according to the European sustainability goals, in the medium and long term. To achieve this goal, the project relies on an excellent group of partners, a consortium of industry leaders and experts in different areas. In this sense, we would like to recognize and highlight the presence of, Anfaco-Cecopesca, Kneia SL, Nofima, Biotrend SA, Rina, Sintef and Grupo Nueva Pescanova, our partners in VALORISH.

Blue Synergy will be posting updates about its participation and the project’s progress on its website, as well as reposting relevant information from the consortium that the reader can find in social media or in VALORISH’s future communication channels.

To learn more about VALORISH, please visit:

To learn more about Blue Synergy and how we deliver sustainable profitability through efficient innovation, please visit: