BIOSYSMO project presented its updates and milestones in its latest online general assembly meeting
BIOSYSMO project has met again last month to assess the progress on the tasks, a summary of the work done, the milestones, and the next steps for the next 6 months of the project. Blue Synergy SL was represented in this meeting by our Sustainability Engineer, Patricio Iván Cano Santana.

NANOMAT celebrates its latest General Assembly in an event organized by Blue Synergy in Madrid
Recently, the NANOMAT project celebrated its General Assembly Meeting, in an event organized and hosted by Blue Synergy in Madrid, Spain. During the meeting, all partners gathered to present the progress, milestones and goals achieved, as well as to share knowledge and opinions about the work of the project.
We deliver sustainable profitability through efficient innovation.
The Blue Synergy team comprises visionaries and innovators that walked with their feet on the ground.
We firmly believe that long-term sustainability is only possible when environmental and social benefits go hand-in-hand with economic gains.
Our work is to support our clients to increase their profitability while increasing its positive environmental and social impacts.
Calle de Maudes 51, 8ª planta
28003 Madrid – SPAIN